Ukraine and the refugees
We know many of you are interested in giving to organizations that are providing medical, humanitarian and other other critical support to the Ukrainians and their neighboring countries providing helping refugees. There are numerous organizations that are doing valuable work. The Missions and Outreach team has looked into many of them and selected three that are Christian based, providing complimentary support to one another and have been thoroughly vetted. These organizations are a small sub-set of worthy organizations so please feel free to do your own research and support those organizations that you feel are the best match to your situation. However, if you are struggling to decide how to support this crisis, the three organizations that the M&O team selected to support near-term are:

The Texas Baptist Hunger Offering is working, in collaboration with the Baptist World Alliance and Baptist World Aid, to help support the 2,100 Baptist Churches in Ukraine. We are participating in a strategic and unified global Baptist effort right now. The hunger offering is sending emergency aid for immediate needs and humanitarian efforts, and we have also committed to help support what the Baptist World Alliance is calling "phase 2" support, which will be more specific and address long-term needs.
Click the image to the left to donate.
Click the image to the left to donate.

Samaritan’s Purse has just deployed a 30-bed Emergency Field Hospital to Ukraine. Phase 1 of our Tier 2 Emergency Field Hospital deployment began Friday, March 4. The field hospital is equipped with an operating room (up to 10 surgeries per day), an ICU, an emergency room, a pharmacy, and it has its own water and sanitation system. As many as 100 patients a day can be seen at this hospital, and it will be operated by more than 50 staff (medical and non-medical). The situation on the ground is fluid and changing rapidly, but the hospital could be operational early next week.
Click the image to the left to donate.
Click the image to the left to donate.
Samaritan’s purse is deploying emergency field hospitals to both Ukraine and the surrounding countries. Our own Carrie Blake has deployed with their emergency medical teams on many occasions.

United World Mission Ukrainian Relief:
UWM is the missions sending agency for our own Steve and Beverly Jones and they have missionaries and seminaries in Ukraine currently working diligently to support the growing refugee crisis.
The war in Ukraine has already resulted in a flood of refugees fleeing from locations of violence and vulnerability. Our network of seminaries in Ukraine have opened their doors and residential facilities to those in need of temporary shelter, and more are coming.Ivan Rusyn, the President of the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, located near the Kiev airport, writes, “We do our best to care for our students, faculty, and refugees. Our team turned basements into shelters. At this moment, we have 100+ people on our campus and expect more refugees to come. We provide food and accommodation for all who need it. As for now, everybody is safe.”Our Overseas Council Regional Director, Taras Dyatlik, who lives in Ukraine with his family, is coordinating with the heads of seminaries as well as church leaders to care for the growing number of refugees.
UWM is the missions sending agency for our own Steve and Beverly Jones and they have missionaries and seminaries in Ukraine currently working diligently to support the growing refugee crisis.
The war in Ukraine has already resulted in a flood of refugees fleeing from locations of violence and vulnerability. Our network of seminaries in Ukraine have opened their doors and residential facilities to those in need of temporary shelter, and more are coming.Ivan Rusyn, the President of the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, located near the Kiev airport, writes, “We do our best to care for our students, faculty, and refugees. Our team turned basements into shelters. At this moment, we have 100+ people on our campus and expect more refugees to come. We provide food and accommodation for all who need it. As for now, everybody is safe.”Our Overseas Council Regional Director, Taras Dyatlik, who lives in Ukraine with his family, is coordinating with the heads of seminaries as well as church leaders to care for the growing number of refugees.
We encourage you to give directly to these organizations or you can give through the church. The WRBC on-line giving page now has a drop option for Ukrainian relief or you can write a check and simply put Ukraine on the memo line and the M&O team will make sure that the funds go directly to support these organizations. The M&O team has already initially allocated $2,000 to support these efforts but we welcome your support as well.
Becoming a Sending Church
The Missions Team facilitates WRBC's involvement in outreach and missions by meeting the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our people in the community, nation, and world, in order to demonstrate God's Love.
As a church sending missionaries from our own church body, we understand that there is a high level of commitment required to support a missionary family going abroad. We have the distinct privilege of sending a family into full-time missionary service, Steve & Beverly Jones in Oaxaca, Mexico. Sean and Carrie Blake previously served as SIM missionaries in Niger, Africa, but had to return to the US because of COVID-19. They continue to maintain relationships in Niger through the internet and short term mission trips.
As a church sending missionaries from our own church body, we understand that there is a high level of commitment required to support a missionary family going abroad. We have the distinct privilege of sending a family into full-time missionary service, Steve & Beverly Jones in Oaxaca, Mexico. Sean and Carrie Blake previously served as SIM missionaries in Niger, Africa, but had to return to the US because of COVID-19. They continue to maintain relationships in Niger through the internet and short term mission trips.